Friday, August 15, 2008

The Workbook Was Worth the Struggle

As a retiree, I now have time to devote myself to the craft of writing, my favorite hobby. Last night I completed writing the workbook that will accompany the anthology, "It’s Worth the Struggle: Inspiration for Contemporary Writers." The words of the essayists included in our anthology inspired me to write the workbook. Using a direct quote from each of the writers, I developed a task to accompany each quote. Writers can use the lined pages in the notebook to complete the tasks. Hopefully, these tasks will encourage writers to write with more confidence.
My initial effort excited my fellow editors and I made an all-out effort to produce the best workbook that I could write. I can’t describe how ecstatic I am over the results. The completed workbook manuscript is now in the hands of the other editors. I hold my breath that this is what they want. Who am I kidding? I am very happy with the results and I know they will like it. Even if they have to make a few editorial changes, they will like what I have done. YOU GO, GIRL!

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