Sunday, August 10, 2008

Picture This

When you are with family members, don't miss an opportunity to take pictures. Be sure to record the date, time, place, event (if special) and full names of people in the photos. Don't assume you'll remember the who, what, where and why of all your pictures. Memories fade. Besides you may not be there to tell your children and grandchildren about your pictures.
If you have not yet organized your many photos in albums, you should do so as soon as possible. Empty those envelopes and shoe boxes of photos starting with your most recent photos because your memory of the recent photos is fresher. Put the photos in albums and label them. I have seen some albums with stories next to many of the pictures. Not all photos are worth salvalging. But select carefully. Instead of throwing out duplicates or unwanted photos, offer them to other family members.
Not sure of how to organize photos? Try choosing a theme for each section of an album, if not the entire album. Themes such as (a) Vacation Highlights, (b) Children at Play, (c) Family Birthdays or (d) Family Group Photos for your family genealogy study may help you get started organizing your photos. Or you can put your pictures in chronological order.
Of course, people who use digital cameras can print their pictures for albums and/or save their pictures on DVDs or on zip drives. On that, I can't give you any suggestions. After all, I'm just now getting into blogging. . . and having a great time doing it.

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