Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy, Healthy New Year

Today is my first day back to my retirement blog since the holiday season. My husband and I visited our adorable grandchildren and their families during the holidays. We enjoyed their company, the food and the festivities. Now we are back to reality.
Back to reality. I have to smile because our reality is still pretty good even as these crazy economic times have done damage to our retirement funds, reduced the value of our home and made us cut back on our Christmas spending. We still have good health with only a few minor, fixable health issues.
As usual, I wanted to make my annual “lose weight” resolution, but that hasn’t worked for very long in the past. Instead I am determined to be more active by continuing the dance class twice a week with my husband. We’ll add walking three times a week either at the mall, recreation center or in our quiet neighborhood. I also need to lift small weights to help build stronger bones. As a senior, osteoporosis (the bone weakening disease) is a big concern.
We’re planning to try new recipes with healthier ingredients. Presently we’re fairly healthy eaters, but we know we can do better. And our restaurant choices will have to change. Fried and creamed foods sound good, but too many dishes like that are waist expanders. I can’t take any more expanding.
Now it is time for a real effort toward a healthier, smaller happier me. Let me know what some of your “resolutions” are and how you'll try to keep them.
Happy, Healthy New Year.

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